
极简风Ya Vsesvit建筑工作室

Ya Vsesvit项目是为热爱设计的人创造的一个极简空间,包含办公,设计工作室,产品展示区和报告厅等功能单元。空间的名字意为“我即宇宙”,因此室内设计的理念主要体现在了连接上。设计师的主要任务是将不同商务单元合理组织在一起,并且强化单元间的合作。

Ya Vsesvit is a minimalist space for design-minded people that consists of several units – the office of a design studio, product design showroom and lecture hall. Name of the space can be translated as ‘I’m the universe’, and the interior is built on the idea of combining. The main task was to organize the work of several business units under one roof and encourage collaboration among them.


At the entrance, guests are welcome with two gigantic 120-150 years old wooden mortars named STUPA, acquired in the vintage market. Next to them, there is a set of modern floor vases TREMBITA, made of burnt wood, repeating the shape of a folk Ukrainian musical instrument with the same name.


Stylistically, the space is based on the contrast of textures and combinations of materials united by a monochromatic palette. An authentic clay plaster on the wall, recreated with the local craft technique aged 400 years, is right next to a futuristic cold coating of stainless steel and silver foil-fabric on poufs. An accurate symmetry of black bricks is settled next to a natural imperfection of the rough stone.


The biggest aim to create design that remains to live in future and not only 1 or 2 years, as all trends do. The inspiration came from cultural roots of designer and historical background of Ukraine. The author wanted to recreate relations between humans and nature, when they were able to live in harmony with each other. When you take something from past and make it work for future, by simplifying, rethinking and experimenting with shape, texture or materials.


In the centre of a cave-style meeting room there is a massive table made from a single piece of sandstone, the geometry and natural form of which were preserved untouched. The coarseness of the stone is softened by the delicate tectonics of the brickwork behind – one of the most complex element of the interior. The working zone is divided into sections using glass partitions that allows free flow of the sunlight.


The kitchen and 2 bathrooms keep the same minimalist interior style and cleanliness of lines. All functional facilities – such as storage rooms, cabinets for equipment and working materials, refrigerator, sink, sideboard, are built-in and hidden from the eyes.

Yakusha Design是一个由乌克兰基辅的建筑师和室内设计师组成的团队。

Yakusha Design is the team of architects, interior designers and strategists based in Kyiv, Ukraine.


Since 2006, we have create residential and commercial projects combining functional minimalism with authentic details. 


The main idea we communicate: to create, not copy.


We don’t use fakes in our projects and work only with original brands. Either architecture or interior —it is always a statement, the attempt to say something new in the world of design. 


Simplicity is seen as a form of luxury. Our architecture and interiors are free from unnecessary, each thing is thoughtfully chosen and has its place. 

设计公司: Yakusha Design Studio



摄影师: Mikey Estrada

主要材料: 混凝土,粘土,砂岩,砖,钢板



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